We Finns are so used to our names that their quality doesn't become apparent until they are translated to some other language. So here we go:
Finnish | English | Comment |
Aatos | Mr Thought | |
Ahmanheimo | Mr Wolverine's tribe | There are many tribe names, but this is the only one I've included here. |
Aikomus | Mr Intention | |
Aine | Mr Matter | Substance. |
Aitamurto | Mr Fence breaking | |
Aito | Mr Genuine | |
Alapartanen | Mr Lower beard | |
Alhainen | Mr Low or Mr Devious | E.g. low in rank. |
Alkio | Mrs Embryo | |
Ampuja | Mr Shooter | So now we know whodunnit. |
Ansio | Mr Income or Mr Merit | |
Antti-Poika | Mr Antti-boy | Antti is a Finnish first name. |
Arvio | Mrs Estimate | |
Asukas | Mrs Inhabitant | |
Autiosaari | Mr Deserted island | |
Auvo | Mr Bliss | |
Epäilys | Mrs Doubt | |
Erikoinen | Mr Peculiar | |
Eväs | Mr Box lunch | Or picnic lunch. |
Haimala | Mr Pancreas | |
Happo | Mr Acid | Finnish word also sometimes means LSD. |
Harja | Mr Brush | Like one used to sweep streets, not one used to paint pictures. |
Haukipää | Mr Pike head | |
Hauska | Mr Amusing | |
Hauta | Mr Grave | Where people are buried, not as in grave situation. |
Haveri | Mr Shipwreck | |
Heikkonen | Mr Weak | |
Heilala | Mr Girlfriend or Mr Boyfriend or Mr Pickup | |
Heitto | Mr Throw | |
Helle | Mr Heatwave | |
Herra | Mr Mister or Mr Lord or Mr Sir | |
Hiekkalinna | Mr Sand castle | |
Hikipää | Mrs Sweat head | |
Hillo | Mr Jam | |
Hiukkanen | Mrs Particle | |
Hiuspää | Mr Hair head | |
Home | Mr Mildew | |
Honkavero | Mr Pinetree tax | |
Horkka | Mr Malaria | |
Hourula | Mr Delirium | |
Humalainen | Mrs Drunk | |
Huopalainen | Mrs Felt | |
Hurmekoski | Mrs Gore rapids | |
Hurmerinta | Mrs Gore breast | Or Mrs Gore chest. There is a rather good soul singer by this name. |
Huti | Mr Miss | As in to miss the target. |
Huttunen | Mr Porridge | |
Hytti | Mr Cabin | |
Hyvärinta | Ms Good breast | Or Ms Good chest. |
Häkämies | Mr Carbon monoxide man | |
Härkäpää | Mr Ox head | |
Ihanainen | Mrs Lovely | |
Ihanaranta | Mr Lovely Beach | |
Iho | Mr Skin | |
Ilmavalta | Mr Air power | |
Ilmiö | Mr Phenomenon | |
Ilmiökorpi | Mr Phenomenon forest | |
Ilo | Mr Joy | |
Impinen | Ms Virgin | |
Inha | Mr Disgusting | |
Into | Mr Enthusiasm | |
Isoherranen | Mr Big shot | Often meant in a bit derogatory way. |
Iso-Keisari | Mr Big-emperor | |
Isokääntö | Mr Big heist | In slang anyway, otherwise Mr Big turn. |
Isomaa | Mr Big country | |
Jakaus | Mr Parting | Area in hair where the hair is divided into two directions. |
Jakku | Mrs Jacket | |
Jalo | Mr Noble | |
Jalokivi | Mr Jewel | |
Jannula | Mr Dude | Slang. |
Jatkovirta | Mrs Continued current | E.g. current of electricity or water. |
Joenpolvi | Mrs River's knee | Polvi is an old word that means a bend in the river. |
Joenväärä | Mr River's wrong | Same as above. |
Johdanto | Mr Prelude or Mr Introduction | Introduction to a subject, not as when introducing people. |
Johtonen | Mr Wire | |
Jokipii | Mr River-silicon | |
Jokipuro | Mr River brook | So which is it? |
Jormanainen | Mrs Dickwoman | Jorma is a male name, and has the same slang meaning as Dick. |
Julmala | Mr Cruel | |
Jumppanen | Mr Exercise | |
Juote | Mr Solder | |
Juppi | Mr Yuppie | |
Jyrkkä | Mrs Steep | |
Jänis | Mr Rabbit | |
Jänne | Mr Tendon | |
Jänönen | Mr Bunny | |
Jäykkä | Mr Stiff | |
Jäätie | Mr Ice road | |
Kaarto | Mr Curve | Flanking movement. |
Kahva | Mr Handle | The kind on doors, luggage etc. |
Kaiho | Mr Longing | |
Kaiku | Mr Echo | |
Kainomaa | Mrs Shy land | Or coy, modest, timid, bashful, demure. |
Kakkinen | Mr Turd | Or Mr Poop. |
Kaksonen | Mr Twin | |
Kaljunen | Mr Bald | |
Kallis | Mr Expensive | |
Kallo | Mrs Skull | |
Kammonen | Mr Phobia | |
Kamu | Mr Pal | |
Kanala | Mrs Henhouse | |
Kanki | Mr Shaft | |
Kankkunen | Mr Hangover | In slang. |
Kansanoja | Mr Nation's ditch | |
Kansi | Mr Lid | |
Karja | Mrs Cattle | |
Karkaus | Mr Escape | |
Karmanloitsu | Mrs Karma's spell | |
Kartio | Mr Cone | |
Karumaa | Mrs Barren land | |
Kassi | Mr Bag | |
Kaukomaa | Mr Far away land | |
Kaunismaa | Mr Beautiful land | |
Kauriinvaha | Mr Deer's wax | |
Keilamaa | Mr Bowling pin land | |
Keisari | Mr Emperor | |
Kelahaara | Mr Reel groin | |
Keskikukko | Mr Middle rooster | |
Keskivaari | Mrs Middle grandfather | |
Kihlakaski | Mr and Mrs Burnt land of engagement | |
Kiimala | Ms Heat | As in when cats are in heat. |
Kiri | Mr Spurt | |
Kirjatankki | Mr Book tank | Finnish word tankki has the same two meanings as the word tank. |
Kirjavainen | Ms Multi-coloured | |
Kitula | ? | I can't translate this, because kitu is a prefix. It refers to things like torture, slow death and diminished growth. |
Kokko | Mrs Bonfire | |
Kolari | Mrs Road accident | |
Kolistaja | Mr Banger | |
Kolmio | Mrs Triangle | |
Kompa | Mr Trick question | Mr Who and He-man fought. Who won. |
Konkari | Mr Experienced | |
Kontti | Mr Trunk | Boot of motor car. |
Konttori | Mrs Office | |
Kopio | Mrs Copy | |
Koriseva | Ms Stertorous or Ms Gargling | There is a singer by this name. I'm not entirely sure if this name is Finnish. |
Koskeva | Mr Touching | Literally touching, one that touches something with hand. |
Kotva | Mrs Jiffy | A moment. |
Koulumies | Mr Schoolman | |
Kova | Mr Hard | |
Kuitula | Mr Fiber | |
Kuiva | Mr Dry | |
Kuivalahti | Mr Dry bay | |
Kujantaka | Mr Back of the alley | |
Kukkaro | Mr Coin purse | |
Kukkuva | Mr Cockooing | One that cockoos. |
Kultalinna | Mr Gold castle | |
Kultti | Mr Cult | |
Kunnaton | Mr Without municipality | |
Kuntola | Mr Fitness | |
Kuonanoja | Mr Slag's ditch | |
Kuoppamäki | Mr Hole hill | |
Kuopus | Mr Last-born | |
Kurasto | Mr Mud collection | |
Kurila | Mr Discipline | |
Kurjanen | Mrs Miserable | |
Kurkipää | Mr Crane head | |
Kurvi | Mr Curve | |
Kuuhimo | Mrs Moonlust | |
Kuula-Niskanen | Ms Bullet-Neck | |
Kuuluvainen | Mr Audible | |
Kuva | Ms Picture | |
Kykylä | Mr Ability | |
Kylmämetsä | Mrs Cold forest | |
Kylmäsuu | Mrs Cold mouth | |
Kynsijärvi | Mrs Nail lake | Nail like the horny covering on tips of fingers. |
Känninen | Mrs Drunk | |
Kärkäs | Mr Eager | |
Käräjäoja | Mr Court ditch | Court of law. |
Käyrä | Mr Bent | |
Laakeristo | Mr Bearings or Mr Laurel garden | As in ball bearing. |
Laatu | Ms Quality | I had a blind date with her. |
Lahonen | Mr Rot | |
Lainpelto | Mr Law's field | |
Lapio | Mr Shovel | |
Lappo | Mrs Siphon | |
Laturi | Mr Dynamo | |
Latvala | Mrs Treetop | |
Lastuvuori | Mr Chip mountain | |
Laukka | Mr Gallop | |
Laulumaa | Mr Songland | |
Lautakatto | Mr Plank roof | |
Lavaste | Mr Set | Like a set for shooting a movie. |
Lehtiö | Ms Notepad | |
Leija | Mr Kite | |
Leini | Mr Fibrositis | |
Lempeä | Mr Gentle | |
Lempinen | Mr Love | |
Lento | Mr Flight | |
Lepo | Mr Rest | Period of resting. |
Leskinen | Mr Widow | |
Levy | Mrs Record or Mrs Board | A music record. |
Levä | Mrs Algae | |
Leväaho | Mr Algae field | |
Liedenpohja | Mr Stove's bottom | |
Liehu | Mr Twirl | |
Liete | Mrs Sludge or Mrs Liquid manure | |
Lihavainen | Mrs Obese | |
Liikamaa | Mr Excess land | |
Liimatta | Mr Without glue | |
Linkoperä | Mr Sling ass | Sling as in a strap used to throw small projectile. |
Lisko | Mr Lizard | |
Liukas | Mr Slippery | |
Lohko | Mr Segment | |
Loikkanen | Mr Leap | |
Loiske | Mr Splash | |
Loiva | Mrs Gentle slope | |
Loma | Mr Vacation | |
Loppukaarre | Mr Rest of the curve | |
Loukko | Mr Cranny or Mr Hellhole | |
Luisto | Mr Slide | |
Lukinmaa | Mr Harvestman's land | A.k.a. Phalangid. |
Lukumies | Mr Reading man | Or Mr Bookworm. |
Lumo | Mrs Enchantment | |
Lunki | Mr Relaxed | At least in slang or in some dialects. |
Lunnas | Mr Ransom | |
Lunttila | Mr Cheat note | |
Luomi | Mr Mole | Abnormality on skin. |
Luoti | Mr Bullet | |
Luova | Mr Creative | |
Lupala | Mr Permission | |
Luukannel | Mr Bone kannel | Kannel is a traditional Finnish instrument, somewhat like koto in Japan. |
Luuri | Mr Handset | Handset of a phone. |
Lyhykäinen | Mr Shorty | |
Lysti | Ms Fun | |
Löytöläinen | Mr Foundling | |
Maakala | Mr Landfish | What would that be? |
Maaninen | Mr Manic | |
Maho | Mrs Barren | Especially of cows that cannot have offspring. |
Maine | Ms Reputation | |
Mainio | Mr Excellent | |
Manner | Mr Continent | As in Europe, Africa etc. |
Matomaa | Mr Worm soil | |
Matsi | Mr Match | Sport event, fight etc. |
Melamies | Mr Paddleman | In Finland anyway this would be understood as someone well equipped. |
Mestari | Ms Master | |
Metelinen | Mr Noise | |
Miina | Mrs Mine | Like a landmine etc. |
Moskajärvi | Mr Trash lake | |
Motti | Mr Encirclement or Mr Cubic meter of wood | Encirclement as in the military maneuver. |
Muona | Mrs Provision | |
Muotiala | Ms Fashion industry | |
Muro | Mr Breakfast cereal | |
Murremäki | Mr Dialect hill | |
Murto | Mr Break-in | |
Mustapää | Mr Blackhead | A black-topped pimple. Also literally black head. |
Mutta | Mr But | |
Muuttomaa | Mr Migratory land | |
Myrskyranta | Mr Storm beach | |
Myöhänen | Mr Late | Don't hire him. |
Märkälä | Ms Wet | |
Mättö | Mr Playing heavy-rock very loud | In slang. Originally "the shoving of stuff onto a pile". |
Möykky | Mrs Lump | |
Naapuri | Mr Neighbour | |
Naisniemi | Mr Female cape | |
Nakkinen | Mr Frankfurter or Mr Wiener | A sausage the size of a finger. |
Nalli | Mr Detonator | |
Narikka | Mr Hanger-room | In night clubs. Originally narikka meant a market place for second-hand clothes. Comes from a Russian word "to the market place". |
Naukkarinen | Mr Sipper | One who repeatedly drinks small mouthfuls of alcohol. |
Naulapää | Mr Nailhead | Chief of Finnish police goes by that name. Having a nail in the head is a Finnish slang expression for being drunk. |
Neitola | Miss Maiden | |
Nelimarkka | Mr Four marks | Mark was the currency unit in Finland before euro. Four marks equal 67 cents. |
Nenonen | Mr Small nose | |
Neste | Mr Liquid | Noun, not adjective. |
Neuvo | Mrs Advice | |
Nietostie | Mr Snowbank road | |
Niitti | Mr Rivet | |
Nikama | Mr Vertebra | |
Niukkanen | Mrs Scarce | |
Nivus | Mr Groin | |
Nokka | Mr Beak | |
Noppa | Mr Dice | |
Nuija | Mr Club | A stick used for weapon. In slang the word means stupid. |
Nuorivuori | Mr Young mountain | |
Nurkka | Mr Corner | Interior corner. There is a separate word for exterior corner. |
Näkyvä | Mr Visible | |
Nätti | Mrs Pretty | |
Nöyränen | Mrs Humble | |
Oiva | Mr Excellent | |
Ontto | Mr Hollow | |
Opas | Ms Guide | |
Orava | Mrs Squirrel | |
Orjala | Mrs Slave | |
Orpo | Mr Orphan | |
Ottavainen | Mr Eager to take | Possibly eager to drink alcohol. |
Paasto | Mr Fast | As in abstaining from food. |
Pakaste | Mrs Frozen food | |
Pakola | Mr Escape | |
Paksujalka | Ms Fat leg | |
Paksunen | Mr Obese | |
Pallonen | Mr Ball | |
Palo | Mr Burn | |
Palojoki | Mr Fire river | |
Palojärvi | Mr Fire lake | |
Paloniemi | Mr Fire cape | |
Pantti | Mr Deposit | Object left to pawnshop as security for payment. By the way, "panttivanki" means hostage ("vanki" = prisoner). |
Papinoja | Mr Priest's ditch | |
Parta | Mr Beard | |
Partio | Mrs Patrol | |
Parvi | Mrs Balcony or Mrs Flock | |
Patja | Mrs Mattress | |
Passi | Mrs Passport | Passi is also the location where a policeman or a hunter stands in guard. |
Patteri | Ms Battery | |
Paukku | Mr Bang | Fictional character by this name was hugely popular in an early 90's tv-series. He was a self-made man and a "godfather" in Finnish politics. |
Pelkonen | Ms Fear | She hosts a tv-show about video games. |
Perheenmies | Mr Family man | |
Perinne | Ms Tradition | |
Pesu | Ms Wash | |
Pienihäkkinen | Mr Smallcaged | |
Pienimaa | Mr Small country | |
Piilo | Mr Hiding place | |
Pilkottu | Mr Chopped | ...in pieces. |
Pilkka | Mr Ridicule or Mr Target | |
Pimiä | Mr Dim | The name has the same two meanings as the translation: dark and stupid. |
Pinta | Mr Surface | |
Piukka | Mr Tight | |
Poikkeus | Ms Exception | |
Poka | Mr Frame or Mr Arrested or Mr Trick | Trick as in prostitute's client. |
Pokka | Mrs Poker face | |
Polo | Mr Poor or Mr Unfortunate | As in "poor doggy". |
Pomppu | Mr Bounce | |
Pore | Mr Bubble | Especially the hiss in soft drinks when the bottle is opened. |
Poskiparta | Mr Sideburn | |
Pottala | Mr Chamber-pot | |
Pouta | Mr No rain | |
Pukki | Mr Goat | The word is also a slang expression for a womanizer. |
Pulla | Ms Coffee bread | |
Pullola | Ms Bottle | |
Pulska | Mr Obese | |
Pumminen | Mr Bum | One who begs for money, but also one who doesn't pay for a tram ticket or does anything on someone elses expence. |
Puntti | Mr Trouser leg or Mr Weight | A small weight used in a scale. |
Puolimatka | Mr Half-way | |
Puoskari | Mrs Quack | One who pretends to have medical skills. |
Purkamo | Mr Dismantler's workshop | |
Purkantie | Ms Bubblegum's road | |
Pusu | Mr Smack | Or Mr Snog. |
Putki | Ms Pipe | |
Putkisto | Mr Plumbing | |
Puujalka | Ms Wooden leg | |
Puukko | Mr Knife | |
Pyhänniska | Ms Nape of the neck of a holy | |
Pykälä | Mr Clause or Mr Notch | |
Pysäys | Mr Stop | |
Pyörre | Mr Whirl | |
Päivänsäde | Mr Sunshine | The word is used to mean "babyface". |
Pälvi | Mr Bare spot | Especially in hair, but also e.g. where snow has melted. |
Pöhö | Mr Tumefaction | Bloated, swollen, esp. in context of edema. |
Pönkkä | Mrs Buttress | |
Raami | Mr Frame | |
Raaste | Mrs Grated vegetable | |
Raikas | Mrs Fresh | Like someone right out of shower. |
Raippalinna | Mr Whip-castle | |
Raita | Mr Stripe or Mr Goat willow | Goat willow is a type of tree. |
Raitis | Mr Teetotaler | |
Raivo | Mr Rage | |
Rajatora | Mrs Border dispute | She works for some television company. I've seen her name many times in the credits. |
Raju | Ms Fierce | |
Rakkola | Mrs Bladder | |
Rampa | Mrs Cripple | |
Rankka | Mr Tough | Typically of life, work and action heros. |
Rantatulkkila | Mr Beach interpreter | |
Rapa | Mr Mud | |
Rappu | Mr Stairs | |
Rassi | Mr Pipe brush | |
Ratas | Mr Gear | Toothed wheel. |
Rauha | Ms Peace | |
Rauhanen | Ms Gland | |
Raunio | Mr Ruin | Wrecked building. |
Rautaparta | Mr Iron beard | |
Rautarinta | Mrs Iron breast | Or Mrs Iron chest. |
Reimari | Mr Spar-buoy | |
Reipas | Mr Brisk | Word is often used to praise young children for being helpful, or being brave in some unpleasant task e.g. taking a vaccination. |
Reitti | Mr Route | |
Rekki | Mr Horizontal bar | In gymnastics. |
Rentola | Mr Relaxed | |
Riemunen | Mr Joy | |
Riento | Ms Activity | Especially leisure activies, dancing etc. |
Riepula | Mrs Rag | |
Riitala | Mr Argument | Heated debate. |
Rikka | Mr Piece of litter | |
Rikkilä | Mr Broken or Mr Sulphur | |
Rinta-Korkeamäki | Mrs Breast-High hill | |
Rinta-Opas | Ms Breast-Guide | |
Rinta-Piirto | Mr Breast-Draw | |
Rinta-Runsala | Mrs Breast-Ample | |
Riski | Mr Risk or Mr Sturdy | |
Rokka | Mr Pea soup | |
Romu | Mr Junk | Usually of equipment, cars etc. |
Runonen | Mr Poem | |
Runsas | Mr Ample | |
Ruokanen | Mrs Food | |
Ruoskanen | Mr Whip | |
Rusto | Mr Cartilage or Mr Gristle | |
Ruuti | Mrs Gunpowder | |
Ryhti | Ms Posture | |
Rysä | Mr Fyke net | |
Rämä | Mr Busted | In poor condition. |
Röyhkiö | Mr Insolent | |
Saarto | Mr Embargo | |
Saarijärvi | Mr Island lake | |
Saastamoinen | Mr Filthy | |
Sademies | Mr Rainman | |
Sakki | Mr Posse | |
Sakko | Mr Fine | As in when you are fined for speeding. |
Sana | Mrs Word | |
Sappinen | Mrs Gall | |
Sarja | Mr Series | |
Satopää | Mr Crop head | |
Savinainen | Mrs Clay woman | |
Sievä | Mr Pretty | |
Sikiö | Mrs Fetus | |
Silppula | Mr Confetti | |
Simanainen | Mrs Mead woman | |
Simontaival | Mr Simo's journey | Simo is a Finnish first name. |
Siniaalto | Mr Sine wave | Literally blue wave but also sine wave. |
Siniteräs | Mr Blue steel | |
Sinko | Mrs Bazooka | |
Sireeni | Ms Siren | |
Sirolinna | Ms Slender castle | Not the kind you'll be wanting to fend off enemies in, eh? |
Soitinaho | Mr Instrument field | Musical instrument. |
Soiva | Mr Ringing | Or Mr Playing. One that makes a (musical) sound. |
Sokka | Mrs Pin | Like a pin in a handgranade. |
Sokko | Mr Blind | |
Solmio | Ms Necktie | |
Solmu | Ms Knot | |
Sorto | Mrs Oppression | |
Sotamaa | Mr War country | |
Sotarauta | Mr War iron | |
Sotavalta | Mr War power | |
Sotku | Mr Mess | An untidy state of things. Sotku also means military eating quarters, just like mess, but this is known to be a coincidence. |
Soukka | Mr Narrow | |
Sukkala | Mr Sock | |
Sukkela | Mr Witty | |
Sukupolvi | Ms Generation | |
Sula | Mr Molten | |
Sulo | Mr Beauty | |
Summa | Mrs Total amount | Or indeed, sum. |
Surma-Aho | Mr Death field | |
Suullinen | Mr Mouthful | Or Mr Equipped with mouth. |
Suuripää | Mr Big head | |
Suviyö | Mr Summer night | |
Synkkänen | Mr Gloomy | |
Syväperä | Mrs Deep aft | |
Särö | Mr Crack | Like in a vase. |
Sävel | Mr Tune | |
Sääski | Mr Mosquito | |
Säävuori | Ms Weather mountain | |
Taisto | Mrs Battle | |
Taitonen | Mr Skill | |
Takakarhu | Mr Bear behind | Bear that is behind something. |
Takki | Mr Coat | |
Takkula | Mr Snarl | Tangle, especially in hair. |
Talonpoika | Ms Peasant | |
Tarkka | Ms Accurate | E.g. tarkka-ampuja is a sharpshooter. |
Tasapää | Mr Flathead | |
Tasku | Mr Pocket | |
Tehola | Mr Capacity | |
Teini | Ms Teenager | |
Tekokoski | Mr Artificial rapids | |
Tenho | Mr Charm | |
Tervahartiala | Mr Tar shoulders | |
Teräsniska | Mr Iron nape of the neck | |
Teräspää | Mr Iron head | |
Terävä | Ms Sharp | |
Tienari | Mr Earner | |
Tietäväinen | Ms Knowing | |
Tiili | Mr Tile | |
Tiirikka | Mr Lockpick | |
Tikkari | Mr Lollipop | |
Tikki | Mr Stitch or Mr Trick | Stitch like the doctors sew on skin. Trick like a point earned in a card game. |
Tila | Mr Space or Mr Farm or Mr State | Space as in architecture. State as in state of things. |
Tiukka | Mr Tight | |
Toiskallio | Ms Other rock | A large rock, one that you could climb on. |
Tomula | Mrs Dusty household | |
Tontti | Mr Plot | Piece of land allotted for a building. |
Torala | Mr Quarrel | |
Torvi | Mr Horn | Horn the instrument, not the appendage on deer's head. In slang torvi also means a stupid person. |
Toveri | Mr Comrade | |
Tuhola | Mr Destruction | |
Tuhti | Mr Sturdy | |
Tuimala | Mr Saltless or Mr Angry | Saltless in eastern dialect. I'll have to check, but this may actually mean salty in western dialects. Imagine the culinary confusions! |
Tukeva | Mr Hefty | |
Tukiainen | Mr Subsidy | |
Tuliainen | Mr House-warming gift | Or a gift brought when going to visit someone's home even if it's not a house-warming party. |
Tulikoura | Mrs Firehand | |
Tulkki | Ms Interpreter | |
Tullila | Mr Customs or Mr Toll | |
Tulokas | Mr Newcomer | |
Tulonen | Mr Small income | Admittedly a bit far-fetched translation. |
Tulppala | Mr Plug | |
Tumppila | Mr Cigarette butt | |
Tuomari | Mrs Judge | |
Tuonela | Mr Land of the dead | In Finnish mythology. |
Tuoppi | Mr Tankard | A large mug for beer. |
Turhala | Mr Useless | |
Turma | Mr Accident | |
Turta | Ms Numb | |
Turva | Mr Safety | |
Tuttavainen | Mr Acquaintance | |
Tutti | Mr Pacifier | A dummy for babies to suck. |
Tuuri | Mrs Luck | |
Tuutti | Mr Ice cream cone or Mr Cornet | |
Typpi | Mr Nitrogen | |
Tyyni | Ms Calm | |
Tärkki | Mr Starch | |
Töyssy | Mr Bump | In road. |
Uljas | Ms Valiant | |
Ullakonoja | Mr Attic's ditch | Sounds like water damage. |
Unho | Mr Oblivion | |
Ura | Mr Career Or Mr Groove | Groove as in a small channel cut to material. |
Urho | Mr Hero | |
Uusipaasto | Mr New fast | As in abstaining from food. I guess the first time round didn't do the trick. |
Uusipaikka | Mr New place | |
Uusipää | Mr New head | |
Vaahto | Mr Foam | |
Vaakanainen | Mrs Scale woman | Scale, the weighing-instrument. |
Vaali | Ms Election | |
Vahalinna | Mr Wax castle | |
Vahvaselkä | Mrs Strong back | |
Vaihevuori | Ms Phase mountain | It's been at it for the past million years and now it's ready for the next step. |
Vainonen | Mrs Persecution | |
Vainula | Mr Trace or Mr Scent | Of bloodhounds when they find the track. More generally just sense of smell or instinct. |
Vaisto | Mrs Instinct | |
Vaje | Ms Deficit | |
Vakio | Ms Standard or Ms Usual or Ms Regular or Ms Constant | Constant as in mathematics. |
Vala | Mr Oath | |
Valio | Mr Elite | Crème de la crème. Pick of the bunch. |
Valorinta | Ms Light breast | Or Ms Light chest. Light as in the optical phenomenon. |
Valpas | Mr Vigilant | |
Valtimo | Mrs Artery | |
Vammavaara | Mr Danger of injury or Mr Injury hill | There are many names containing the word vaara. Vaara means "danger", so it would provide me with lots of material, since the danger of this or that common thing is often funny. I've chosen not to use these names, because in names vaara means a tree-covered hill in Lapland. This one however was too good to pass. |
Vanha | Ms Old | |
Vankka | Mr Firm | Of solid structure. |
Vapaa | Mrs Free | |
Vara | Mr Reserve or Mr Asset | |
Varakas | Ms Wealthy | |
Varma | Mr Sure | |
Varovaara | Mr Beware of danger or Mr Beware hill | See Vammavaara above. |
Vartija | Ms Guard | |
Vartti | Ms Quarter | |
Varvas | Ms Toe | |
Vasenkari | Ms Left underwater rock | Left as in opposite of right. The kind of rock that ships wreck on. |
Vauhkonen | Mr Restive | Of horses when they are agitated. |
Vaurio | Ms Damage | |
Vedenjuoksu | Ms Water's running | |
Velho | Mr Sorcerer | |
Ventti | Mr Blackjack or Mr Beat | Blackjack the card game. Beat as in extremely tired. |
Veripää | Ms Blood head | |
Veromaa | Ms Tax land | |
Vertainen | Ms Equal or Ms Peer | |
Vesihiisi | Mr Water devil | A particular kind of monster in Finnish mythology. You might be challenged to repeat this children's poem very fast: "Vesihiisi sihisi hississä", vesihiisi hissed in the elevator. |
Vieno | Ms Delicate | |
Vieraankivi | Mr Stranger's stone | |
Vihinen | Mr Hint | |
Vihko | Mr Notebook | |
Viholainen | Ms Enemy | |
Viinijoki | Ms Wine river | |
Viisas | Ms Wise | |
Vikkelä | Mr Nimble | |
Vilkas | Mr Lively | |
Vilkkula | Mrs Blink | Flashing light. |
Villikko | Ms Wild girl | Untamed young woman. |
Vinkki | Ms Hint | |
Vireä | Mr Alert | Adjective. |
Virkanen | Mr Post | A job in a public office. |
Virusmäki | Mr Virus hill | |
Voima | Ms Power | |
Voitto | Mr Victory | |
Vuoto | Ms Leak | |
Vuotovesi | Mr Leak water | |
Väistö | Mr Dodge | Noun. Quick movement to avoid being hit. |
Väkevä | Mr Strong or Mr Undiluted | |
Väljä | Mr Loose | E.g. of clothing. |
Väärä | Mr Wrong | Watch out, women. |
Yksoksa | Ms One branch | Branch of a tree. |
Ylhäinen | Ms Aristocrat | |
Yliherne | Mr Super pea or Mr Over pea | Über pea. |
Ylihoikka | Mr Overslim | |
Ylipaasto | Mr Overfast | Fast as in abstaining from food. |
Ylipaino | Mr Overweight | Noun, not adjective. |
Ylkänen | Mr Bridegroom | |
Yltävä | Mr Reaching | One that is able to reach. |
Yrttimaa | Mr Herb garden | |
Ähkynen | Mr Colic or Mr Bloated | In street language condition of having eaten too much and consequently being hardly able to breathe. |
Älli | Mr Wit | |
I don't claim to be any kind of authority in this field. I'm just somebody who had a phone directory and too much spare time.
A dozen or so of the translations are not historically correct, rather, they are what the words represent to modern-day Finns. Meanings of some old names have long since been forgotten. Names persisted even if the words got new, funny meanings. It is then these funny meanings I've given here. Some translations apply only if we use the word's meaning in Finnish slang, although I've tried to minimise the amount of these.
If you don't believe the names are real, make a quick search on the internet. Most names should produce several hits. There are real people who carry these names every day. Next time you meet a Finn, ask what his name stands for. If he says he doesn't know, or it's just a name, you should be suspicious...
There is a fitting Finnish proverb: Name doesn't spoil a man, but a man can spoil a name.
"Tepponen" by the way is a trick played on someone.