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Finnish last names


Many Finnish last names are funny (Mr Sling ass), gory (Mrs Fetus) or weird (Mr Nation's ditch). Some names are overly grand (Mr War power) or a bit naughty (Ms Good breast). What other country has had a prime minister called Mr Duck?

We Finns are so used to our names that their quality doesn't become apparent until they are translated to some other language. So here we go:

AatosMr Thought 
AhmanheimoMr Wolverine's tribeThere are many tribe names, but this is the only one I've included here.
AikomusMr Intention 
AineMr MatterSubstance.
AitamurtoMr Fence breaking 
AitoMr Genuine 
AlapartanenMr Lower beard 
AlhainenMr Low or
Mr Devious
E.g. low in rank.
AlkioMrs Embryo 
AmpujaMr ShooterSo now we know whodunnit.
AnsioMr Income or
Mr Merit
Antti-PoikaMr Antti-boyAntti is a Finnish first name.
ArvioMrs Estimate 
AsukasMrs Inhabitant 
AutiosaariMr Deserted island 
AuvoMr Bliss 
EpäilysMrs Doubt 
ErikoinenMr Peculiar 
EväsMr Box lunchOr picnic lunch.
HaimalaMr Pancreas 
HappoMr AcidFinnish word also sometimes means LSD.
HarjaMr BrushLike one used to sweep streets, not one used to paint pictures.
HaukipääMr Pike head 
HauskaMr Amusing 
HautaMr GraveWhere people are buried, not as in grave situation.
HaveriMr Shipwreck 
HeikkonenMr Weak 
HeilalaMr Girlfriend or
Mr Boyfriend or
Mr Pickup
HeittoMr Throw 
HelleMr Heatwave 
HerraMr Mister or
Mr Lord or
Mr Sir
HiekkalinnaMr Sand castle 
HikipääMrs Sweat head 
HilloMr Jam 
HiukkanenMrs Particle 
HiuspääMr Hair head 
HomeMr Mildew 
HonkaveroMr Pinetree tax 
HorkkaMr Malaria 
HourulaMr Delirium 
HumalainenMrs Drunk 
HuopalainenMrs Felt 
HurmekoskiMrs Gore rapids 
HurmerintaMrs Gore breastOr Mrs Gore chest. There is a rather good soul singer by this name.
HutiMr MissAs in to miss the target.
HuttunenMr Porridge 
HyttiMr Cabin 
HyvärintaMs Good breastOr Ms Good chest.
HäkämiesMr Carbon monoxide man 
HärkäpääMr Ox head 
IhanainenMrs Lovely 
IhanarantaMr Lovely Beach 
IhoMr Skin 
IlmavaltaMr Air power 
IlmiöMr Phenomenon 
IlmiökorpiMr Phenomenon forest 
IloMr Joy 
ImpinenMs Virgin 
InhaMr Disgusting 
IntoMr Enthusiasm 
IsoherranenMr Big shotOften meant in a bit derogatory way.
Iso-KeisariMr Big-emperor 
IsokääntöMr Big heistIn slang anyway, otherwise Mr Big turn.
IsomaaMr Big country 
JakausMr PartingArea in hair where the hair is divided into two directions.
JakkuMrs Jacket 
JaloMr Noble 
JalokiviMr Jewel 
JannulaMr DudeSlang.
JatkovirtaMrs Continued currentE.g. current of electricity or water.
JoenpolviMrs River's kneePolvi is an old word that means a bend in the river.
JoenvääräMr River's wrongSame as above.
JohdantoMr Prelude or
Mr Introduction
Introduction to a subject, not as when introducing people.
JohtonenMr Wire 
JokipiiMr River-silicon 
JokipuroMr River brookSo which is it?
JormanainenMrs DickwomanJorma is a male name, and has the same slang meaning as Dick.
JulmalaMr Cruel 
JumppanenMr Exercise 
JuoteMr Solder 
JuppiMr Yuppie 
JyrkkäMrs Steep 
JänisMr Rabbit 
JänneMr Tendon 
JänönenMr Bunny 
JäykkäMr Stiff 
JäätieMr Ice road 
KaartoMr CurveFlanking movement.
KahvaMr HandleThe kind on doors, luggage etc.
KaihoMr Longing 
KaikuMr Echo 
KainomaaMrs Shy landOr coy, modest, timid, bashful, demure.
KakkinenMr TurdOr Mr Poop.
KaksonenMr Twin 
KaljunenMr Bald 
KallisMr Expensive 
KalloMrs Skull 
KammonenMr Phobia 
KamuMr Pal 
KanalaMrs Henhouse 
KankiMr Shaft 
KankkunenMr HangoverIn slang.
KansanojaMr Nation's ditch 
KansiMr Lid 
KarjaMrs Cattle 
KarkausMr Escape 
KarmanloitsuMrs Karma's spell 
KartioMr Cone 
KarumaaMrs Barren land 
KassiMr Bag 
KaukomaaMr Far away land 
KaunismaaMr Beautiful land 
KauriinvahaMr Deer's wax 
KeilamaaMr Bowling pin land 
KeisariMr Emperor 
KelahaaraMr Reel groin 
KeskikukkoMr Middle rooster 
KeskivaariMrs Middle grandfather 
KihlakaskiMr and Mrs Burnt land of engagement 
KiimalaMs HeatAs in when cats are in heat.
KiriMr Spurt 
KirjatankkiMr Book tankFinnish word tankki has the same two meanings as the word tank.
KirjavainenMs Multi-coloured 
Kitula?I can't translate this, because kitu is a prefix. It refers to things like torture, slow death and diminished growth.
KokkoMrs Bonfire 
KolariMrs Road accident 
KolistajaMr Banger 
KolmioMrs Triangle 
KompaMr Trick questionMr Who and He-man fought. Who won.
KonkariMr Experienced 
KonttiMr TrunkBoot of motor car.
KonttoriMrs Office 
KopioMrs Copy 
KorisevaMs Stertorous or
Ms Gargling
There is a singer by this name. I'm not entirely sure if this name is Finnish.
KoskevaMr TouchingLiterally touching, one that touches something with hand.
KotvaMrs JiffyA moment.
KoulumiesMr Schoolman 
KovaMr Hard 
KuitulaMr Fiber 
KuivaMr Dry 
KuivalahtiMr Dry bay 
KujantakaMr Back of the alley 
KukkaroMr Coin purse 
KukkuvaMr CockooingOne that cockoos.
KultalinnaMr Gold castle 
KulttiMr Cult 
KunnatonMr Without municipality 
KuntolaMr Fitness 
KuonanojaMr Slag's ditch 
KuoppamäkiMr Hole hill 
KuopusMr Last-born 
KurastoMr Mud collection 
KurilaMr Discipline 
KurjanenMrs Miserable 
KurkipääMr Crane head 
KurviMr Curve 
KuuhimoMrs Moonlust 
Kuula-NiskanenMs Bullet-Neck 
KuuluvainenMr Audible 
KuvaMs Picture 
KykyläMr Ability 
KylmämetsäMrs Cold forest 
KylmäsuuMrs Cold mouth 
KynsijärviMrs Nail lakeNail like the horny covering on tips of fingers.
KänninenMrs Drunk 
KärkäsMr Eager 
KäräjäojaMr Court ditchCourt of law.
KäyräMr Bent 
LaakeristoMr Bearings or
Mr Laurel garden
As in ball bearing.
LaatuMs QualityI had a blind date with her.
LahonenMr Rot 
LainpeltoMr Law's field 
LapioMr Shovel 
LappoMrs Siphon 
LaturiMr Dynamo 
LatvalaMrs Treetop 
LastuvuoriMr Chip mountain 
LaukkaMr Gallop 
LaulumaaMr Songland 
LautakattoMr Plank roof 
LavasteMr SetLike a set for shooting a movie.
LehtiöMs Notepad 
LeijaMr Kite 
LeiniMr Fibrositis 
LempeäMr Gentle 
LempinenMr Love 
LentoMr Flight 
LepoMr RestPeriod of resting.
LeskinenMr Widow 
LevyMrs Record or
Mrs Board
A music record.
LeväMrs Algae 
LeväahoMr Algae field 
LiedenpohjaMr Stove's bottom 
LiehuMr Twirl 
LieteMrs Sludge or
Mrs Liquid manure
LihavainenMrs Obese 
LiikamaaMr Excess land 
LiimattaMr Without glue 
LinkoperäMr Sling assSling as in a strap used to throw small projectile.
LiskoMr Lizard 
LiukasMr Slippery 
LohkoMr Segment 
LoikkanenMr Leap 
LoiskeMr Splash 
LoivaMrs Gentle slope 
LomaMr Vacation 
LoppukaarreMr Rest of the curve 
LoukkoMr Cranny or
Mr Hellhole
LuistoMr Slide 
LukinmaaMr Harvestman's landA.k.a. Phalangid.
LukumiesMr Reading manOr Mr Bookworm.
LumoMrs Enchantment 
LunkiMr RelaxedAt least in slang or in some dialects.
LunnasMr Ransom 
LunttilaMr Cheat note 
LuomiMr MoleAbnormality on skin.
LuotiMr Bullet 
LuovaMr Creative 
LupalaMr Permission 
LuukannelMr Bone kannelKannel is a traditional Finnish instrument, somewhat like koto in Japan.
LuuriMr HandsetHandset of a phone.
LyhykäinenMr Shorty 
LystiMs Fun 
LöytöläinenMr Foundling 
MaakalaMr LandfishWhat would that be?
MaaninenMr Manic 
MahoMrs BarrenEspecially of cows that cannot have offspring.
MaineMs Reputation 
MainioMr Excellent 
MannerMr ContinentAs in Europe, Africa etc.
MatomaaMr Worm soil 
MatsiMr MatchSport event, fight etc.
MelamiesMr PaddlemanIn Finland anyway this would be understood as someone well equipped.
MestariMs Master 
MetelinenMr Noise 
MiinaMrs MineLike a landmine etc.
MoskajärviMr Trash lake 
MottiMr Encirclement or
Mr Cubic meter of wood
Encirclement as in the military maneuver.
MuonaMrs Provision 
MuotialaMs Fashion industry 
MuroMr Breakfast cereal 
MurremäkiMr Dialect hill 
MurtoMr Break-in 
MustapääMr BlackheadA black-topped pimple. Also literally black head.
MuttaMr But 
MuuttomaaMr Migratory land 
MyrskyrantaMr Storm beach 
MyöhänenMr LateDon't hire him.
MärkäläMs Wet 
MättöMr Playing heavy-rock very loudIn slang. Originally "the shoving of stuff onto a pile".
MöykkyMrs Lump 
NaapuriMr Neighbour 
NaisniemiMr Female cape 
NakkinenMr Frankfurter or
Mr Wiener
A sausage the size of a finger.
NalliMr Detonator 
NarikkaMr Hanger-roomIn night clubs. Originally narikka meant a market place for second-hand clothes. Comes from a Russian word "to the market place".
NaukkarinenMr SipperOne who repeatedly drinks small mouthfuls of alcohol.
NaulapääMr NailheadChief of Finnish police goes by that name. Having a nail in the head is a Finnish slang expression for being drunk.
NeitolaMiss Maiden 
NelimarkkaMr Four marksMark was the currency unit in Finland before euro. Four marks equal 67 cents.
NenonenMr Small nose 
NesteMr LiquidNoun, not adjective.
NeuvoMrs Advice 
NietostieMr Snowbank road 
NiittiMr Rivet 
NikamaMr Vertebra 
NiukkanenMrs Scarce 
NivusMr Groin 
NokkaMr Beak 
NoppaMr Dice 
NuijaMr ClubA stick used for weapon. In slang the word means stupid.
NuorivuoriMr Young mountain 
NurkkaMr CornerInterior corner. There is a separate word for exterior corner.
NäkyväMr Visible 
NättiMrs Pretty 
NöyränenMrs Humble 
OivaMr Excellent 
OnttoMr Hollow 
OpasMs Guide 
OravaMrs Squirrel 
OrjalaMrs Slave 
OrpoMr Orphan 
OttavainenMr Eager to takePossibly eager to drink alcohol.
PaastoMr FastAs in abstaining from food.
PakasteMrs Frozen food 
PakolaMr Escape 
PaksujalkaMs Fat leg 
PaksunenMr Obese 
PallonenMr Ball 
PaloMr Burn 
PalojokiMr Fire river 
PalojärviMr Fire lake 
PaloniemiMr Fire cape 
PanttiMr DepositObject left to pawnshop as security for payment. By the way, "panttivanki" means hostage ("vanki" = prisoner).
PapinojaMr Priest's ditch 
PartaMr Beard 
PartioMrs Patrol 
ParviMrs Balcony or
Mrs Flock
PatjaMrs Mattress 
PassiMrs PassportPassi is also the location where a policeman or a hunter stands in guard.
PatteriMs Battery 
PaukkuMr BangFictional character by this name was hugely popular in an early 90's tv-series. He was a self-made man and a "godfather" in Finnish politics.
PelkonenMs FearShe hosts a tv-show about video games.
PerheenmiesMr Family man 
PerinneMs Tradition 
PesuMs Wash 
PienihäkkinenMr Smallcaged 
PienimaaMr Small country 
PiiloMr Hiding place 
PilkottuMr Chopped...in pieces.
PilkkaMr Ridicule or
Mr Target
PimiäMr DimThe name has the same two meanings as the translation: dark and stupid.
PintaMr Surface 
PiukkaMr Tight 
PoikkeusMs Exception 
PokaMr Frame or
Mr Arrested or
Mr Trick
Trick as in prostitute's client.
PokkaMrs Poker face 
PoloMr Poor or
Mr Unfortunate
As in "poor doggy".
PomppuMr Bounce 
PoreMr BubbleEspecially the hiss in soft drinks when the bottle is opened.
PoskipartaMr Sideburn 
PottalaMr Chamber-pot 
PoutaMr No rain 
PukkiMr GoatThe word is also a slang expression for a womanizer.
PullaMs Coffee bread 
PullolaMs Bottle 
PulskaMr Obese 
PumminenMr BumOne who begs for money, but also one who doesn't pay for a tram ticket or does anything on someone elses expence.
PunttiMr Trouser leg or
Mr Weight
A small weight used in a scale.
PuolimatkaMr Half-way 
PuoskariMrs QuackOne who pretends to have medical skills.
PurkamoMr Dismantler's workshop 
PurkantieMs Bubblegum's road 
PusuMr SmackOr Mr Snog.
PutkiMs Pipe 
PutkistoMr Plumbing 
PuujalkaMs Wooden leg 
PuukkoMr Knife 
PyhänniskaMs Nape of the neck of a holy 
PykäläMr Clause or
Mr Notch
PysäysMr Stop 
PyörreMr Whirl 
PäivänsädeMr SunshineThe word is used to mean "babyface".
PälviMr Bare spotEspecially in hair, but also e.g. where snow has melted.
PöhöMr TumefactionBloated, swollen, esp. in context of edema.
PönkkäMrs Buttress 
RaamiMr Frame 
RaasteMrs Grated vegetable 
RaikasMrs FreshLike someone right out of shower.
RaippalinnaMr Whip-castle 
RaitaMr Stripe or
Mr Goat willow
Goat willow is a type of tree.
RaitisMr Teetotaler 
RaivoMr Rage 
RajatoraMrs Border disputeShe works for some television company. I've seen her name many times in the credits.
RajuMs Fierce 
RakkolaMrs Bladder 
RampaMrs Cripple 
RankkaMr ToughTypically of life, work and action heros.
RantatulkkilaMr Beach interpreter 
RapaMr Mud 
RappuMr Stairs 
RassiMr Pipe brush 
RatasMr GearToothed wheel.
RauhaMs Peace 
RauhanenMs Gland 
RaunioMr RuinWrecked building.
RautapartaMr Iron beard 
RautarintaMrs Iron breastOr Mrs Iron chest.
ReimariMr Spar-buoy 
ReipasMr BriskWord is often used to praise young children for being helpful, or being brave in some unpleasant task e.g. taking a vaccination.
ReittiMr Route 
RekkiMr Horizontal barIn gymnastics.
RentolaMr Relaxed 
RiemunenMr Joy 
RientoMs ActivityEspecially leisure activies, dancing etc.
RiepulaMrs Rag 
RiitalaMr ArgumentHeated debate.
RikkaMr Piece of litter 
RikkiläMr Broken or
Mr Sulphur
Rinta-KorkeamäkiMrs Breast-High hill 
Rinta-OpasMs Breast-Guide 
Rinta-PiirtoMr Breast-Draw 
Rinta-RunsalaMrs Breast-Ample 
RiskiMr Risk or
Mr Sturdy
RokkaMr Pea soup 
RomuMr JunkUsually of equipment, cars etc.
RunonenMr Poem 
RunsasMr Ample 
RuokanenMrs Food 
RuoskanenMr Whip 
RustoMr Cartilage or
Mr Gristle
RuutiMrs Gunpowder 
RyhtiMs Posture 
RysäMr Fyke net 
RämäMr BustedIn poor condition.
RöyhkiöMr Insolent 
SaartoMr Embargo 
SaarijärviMr Island lake 
SaastamoinenMr Filthy 
SademiesMr Rainman 
SakkiMr Posse 
SakkoMr FineAs in when you are fined for speeding.
SanaMrs Word 
SappinenMrs Gall 
SarjaMr Series 
SatopääMr Crop head 
SavinainenMrs Clay woman 
SieväMr Pretty 
SikiöMrs Fetus 
SilppulaMr Confetti 
SimanainenMrs Mead woman 
SimontaivalMr Simo's journeySimo is a Finnish first name.
SiniaaltoMr Sine waveLiterally blue wave but also sine wave.
SiniteräsMr Blue steel 
SinkoMrs Bazooka 
SireeniMs Siren 
SirolinnaMs Slender castleNot the kind you'll be wanting to fend off enemies in, eh?
SoitinahoMr Instrument fieldMusical instrument.
SoivaMr RingingOr Mr Playing. One that makes a (musical) sound.
SokkaMrs PinLike a pin in a handgranade.
SokkoMr Blind 
SolmioMs Necktie 
SolmuMs Knot 
SortoMrs Oppression 
SotamaaMr War country 
SotarautaMr War iron 
SotavaltaMr War power 
SotkuMr MessAn untidy state of things. Sotku also means military eating quarters, just like mess, but this is known to be a coincidence.
SoukkaMr Narrow 
SukkalaMr Sock 
SukkelaMr Witty 
SukupolviMs Generation 
SulaMr Molten 
SuloMr Beauty 
SummaMrs Total amountOr indeed, sum.
Surma-AhoMr Death field 
SuullinenMr MouthfulOr Mr Equipped with mouth.
SuuripääMr Big head 
SuviyöMr Summer night 
SynkkänenMr Gloomy 
SyväperäMrs Deep aft 
SäröMr CrackLike in a vase.
SävelMr Tune 
SääskiMr Mosquito 
SäävuoriMs Weather mountain 
TaistoMrs Battle 
TaitonenMr Skill 
TakakarhuMr Bear behindBear that is behind something.
TakkiMr Coat 
TakkulaMr SnarlTangle, especially in hair.
TalonpoikaMs Peasant 
TarkkaMs AccurateE.g. tarkka-ampuja is a sharpshooter.
TasapääMr Flathead 
TaskuMr Pocket 
TeholaMr Capacity 
TeiniMs Teenager 
TekokoskiMr Artificial rapids 
TenhoMr Charm 
TervahartialaMr Tar shoulders 
TeräsniskaMr Iron nape of the neck 
TeräspääMr Iron head 
TeräväMs Sharp 
TienariMr Earner 
TietäväinenMs Knowing 
TiiliMr Tile 
TiirikkaMr Lockpick 
TikkariMr Lollipop 
TikkiMr Stitch or
Mr Trick
Stitch like the doctors sew on skin. Trick like a point earned in a card game.
TilaMr Space or
Mr Farm or
Mr State
Space as in architecture. State as in state of things.
TiukkaMr Tight 
ToiskallioMs Other rockA large rock, one that you could climb on.
TomulaMrs Dusty household 
TonttiMr PlotPiece of land allotted for a building.
ToralaMr Quarrel 
TorviMr HornHorn the instrument, not the appendage on deer's head. In slang torvi also means a stupid person.
ToveriMr Comrade 
TuholaMr Destruction 
TuhtiMr Sturdy 
TuimalaMr Saltless or
Mr Angry
Saltless in eastern dialect. I'll have to check, but this may actually mean salty in western dialects. Imagine the culinary confusions!
TukevaMr Hefty 
TukiainenMr Subsidy 
TuliainenMr House-warming giftOr a gift brought when going to visit someone's home even if it's not a house-warming party.
TulikouraMrs Firehand 
TulkkiMs Interpreter 
TullilaMr Customs or
Mr Toll
TulokasMr Newcomer 
TulonenMr Small incomeAdmittedly a bit far-fetched translation.
TulppalaMr Plug 
TumppilaMr Cigarette butt 
TuomariMrs Judge 
TuonelaMr Land of the deadIn Finnish mythology.
TuoppiMr TankardA large mug for beer.
TurhalaMr Useless 
TurmaMr Accident 
TurtaMs Numb 
TurvaMr Safety 
TuttavainenMr Acquaintance 
TuttiMr PacifierA dummy for babies to suck.
TuuriMrs Luck 
TuuttiMr Ice cream cone or
Mr Cornet
TyppiMr Nitrogen 
TyyniMs Calm 
TärkkiMr Starch 
TöyssyMr BumpIn road.
UljasMs Valiant 
UllakonojaMr Attic's ditchSounds like water damage.
UnhoMr Oblivion 
UraMr Career Or
Mr Groove
Groove as in a small channel cut to material.
UrhoMr Hero 
UusipaastoMr New fastAs in abstaining from food. I guess the first time round didn't do the trick.
UusipaikkaMr New place 
UusipääMr New head 
VaahtoMr Foam 
VaakanainenMrs Scale womanScale, the weighing-instrument.
VaaliMs Election 
VahalinnaMr Wax castle 
VahvaselkäMrs Strong back 
VaihevuoriMs Phase mountainIt's been at it for the past million years and now it's ready for the next step.
VainonenMrs Persecution 
VainulaMr Trace or
Mr Scent
Of bloodhounds when they find the track. More generally just sense of smell or instinct.
VaistoMrs Instinct 
VajeMs Deficit 
VakioMs Standard or
Ms Usual or
Ms Regular or
Ms Constant
Constant as in mathematics.
ValaMr Oath 
ValioMr EliteCrème de la crème. Pick of the bunch.
ValorintaMs Light breastOr Ms Light chest. Light as in the optical phenomenon.
ValpasMr Vigilant 
ValtimoMrs Artery 
VammavaaraMr Danger of injury or
Mr Injury hill
There are many names containing the word vaara. Vaara means "danger", so it would provide me with lots of material, since the danger of this or that common thing is often funny. I've chosen not to use these names, because in names vaara means a tree-covered hill in Lapland. This one however was too good to pass.
VanhaMs Old 
VankkaMr FirmOf solid structure.
VapaaMrs Free 
VaraMr Reserve or
Mr Asset
VarakasMs Wealthy 
VarmaMr Sure 
VarovaaraMr Beware of danger or
Mr Beware hill
See Vammavaara above.
VartijaMs Guard 
VarttiMs Quarter 
VarvasMs Toe 
VasenkariMs Left underwater rockLeft as in opposite of right. The kind of rock that ships wreck on.
VauhkonenMr RestiveOf horses when they are agitated.
VaurioMs Damage 
VedenjuoksuMs Water's running 
VelhoMr Sorcerer 
VenttiMr Blackjack or
Mr Beat
Blackjack the card game. Beat as in extremely tired.
VeripääMs Blood head 
VeromaaMs Tax land 
VertainenMs Equal or
Ms Peer
VesihiisiMr Water devilA particular kind of monster in Finnish mythology. You might be challenged to repeat this children's poem very fast: "Vesihiisi sihisi hississä", vesihiisi hissed in the elevator.
VienoMs Delicate 
VieraankiviMr Stranger's stone 
VihinenMr Hint 
VihkoMr Notebook 
ViholainenMs Enemy 
ViinijokiMs Wine river 
ViisasMs Wise 
VikkeläMr Nimble 
VilkasMr Lively 
VilkkulaMrs BlinkFlashing light.
VillikkoMs Wild girlUntamed young woman.
VinkkiMs Hint 
VireäMr AlertAdjective.
VirkanenMr PostA job in a public office.
VirusmäkiMr Virus hill 
VoimaMs Power 
VoittoMr Victory 
VuotoMs Leak 
VuotovesiMr Leak water 
VäistöMr DodgeNoun. Quick movement to avoid being hit.
VäkeväMr Strong or
Mr Undiluted
VäljäMr LooseE.g. of clothing.
VääräMr WrongWatch out, women.
YksoksaMs One branchBranch of a tree.
YlhäinenMs Aristocrat 
YliherneMr Super pea or
Mr Over pea
Über pea.
YlihoikkaMr Overslim 
YlipaastoMr OverfastFast as in abstaining from food.
YlipainoMr OverweightNoun, not adjective.
YlkänenMr Bridegroom 
YltäväMr ReachingOne that is able to reach.
YrttimaaMr Herb garden 
ÄhkynenMr Colic or
Mr Bloated
In street language condition of having eaten too much and consequently being hardly able to breathe.
ÄlliMr Wit 

This collection of translations is copyright Teppo Pihlajamäki 2002-2003. Copyright laws protect also translations and lists such as this one. You can't copy any major portion of this list to your own work. Fair use and quoting is however allowed. I won't contest your interpretation of copyright laws if you quote no more than twenty-four translations of your choice, and include either a hyperlink to this page, or print its address, https://teppo.tv/names/

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Competitions in Finland

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Kick-sled world championships
Snowball fight competition
Mosquito killing championships

About the translations

I don't claim to be any kind of authority in this field. I'm just somebody who had a phone directory and too much spare time.

A dozen or so of the translations are not historically correct, rather, they are what the words represent to modern-day Finns. Meanings of some old names have long since been forgotten. Names persisted even if the words got new, funny meanings. It is then these funny meanings I've given here. Some translations apply only if we use the word's meaning in Finnish slang, although I've tried to minimise the amount of these.

Many Finnish names end in -nen or -la. -la and -lä mean house or place. In old Finnish -nen meant small. It was also used to mean things like cute, insignificant or childish. Therefore Virta is "stream", Virtanen is "small stream", and Virtala is "house called stream" or "place of stream". I've ignored the endings in my translations, unless they are required for the name to be funny. Luckily often all three forms exist, and I've just used the bare form.

If you don't believe the names are real, make a quick search on the internet. Most names should produce several hits. There are real people who carry these names every day. Next time you meet a Finn, ask what his name stands for. If he says he doesn't know, or it's just a name, you should be suspicious...

The Mr and Mrs etc. are there so that the reader will not forget that the names belong to real people. Otherwise after reading a while they would become just words and stop being funny. I usually used the the titulation of the first person of a particular name on the phonebook, but not always.

There is a fitting Finnish proverb: Name doesn't spoil a man, but a man can spoil a name.

My whole name, Jari Teppo Pihlajamäki, breaks down as follows:

Jari - soldier with a helmet (originally Jalmari <- hjalmar <- hjälmare)
Teppo - ancient Finnish god of the road
Pihlaja - rowan
mäki - hill

"Tepponen" by the way is a trick played on someone.